The ministry of helps or shewing mercy in the local church renders assistance to the weak, to the poor, and to those individuals in need. Paul encourages
those who are called to this ministry to perform their services with cheerfulness
or with a readiness of mind. The household of Stephanas devoted themselves to
this ministry to the saints:
Ye know the house of Stephanas, that it is the first-
fruits of Achaia, and that they have addicted them-
selves to the ministry of the saints (I Cor. 16:15).
We have persons today who have a special ministry in helps or showing
mercy--Mother Teresa in India, Mother Tucker in Tulsa, a French nun among the
garbage people of France--various individuals who devote their lives to caring for
the poor, the needy, the destitute, and the suffering. This is a special gift, a direct
and special calling.
These are the ministry gifts that were emphasized by the Apostle Paul in his
writings. There may be others. The purpose of all gifts, both those given by
Christ and those given by the Holy Spirit, is to equip the saints so that each of
them may have a ministry. The equipment of the saints will be considered under
the concept of the armor of God.
