In 1972, Lord J. Arthur Rank made a grant to Oral Roberts University to endow
a Chair in the Holy Spirit. Oral Roberts was the first professor to be holder of that
chair, and this course, The Holy Spirit in the Now, is the result of the several classes
that Roberts taught concerning the Holy Spirit. In this course we will study the entire
spectrum of New Testament scriptures concerning the "COMPLETE, PERFECT
SALVATION" we have in Christ Jesus. This salvation includes the gift of God to the
church--Jesus Christ; the gifts of Christ to the church--gifts of ministries and the gift
of the Holy Spirit; and the provision of the Holy Spirit for the church--the fruit of the
Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, and the Spirit of Truth. After considering all of the
provisions--THE SPIRITUALS--that God has made for the church, we will consider a
method by which the Holy Spirit actualizes the provisions of God in our lives: THE
RENEWAL OF THE MIND. In the latter part of the course, we will review the life, the
ministry, and the message of Oral Roberts.
