The third gift in the category of knowing is that of discerning of spirits.
There are three kinds of spirits: the Spirit of God, the spirit of Satan, and the spirit
of man. Sometimes things are of God. Sometimes things are of Satan. Some-
times things are of the spirit of man. Often we blame God or Satan when it is
really the human spirit that is causing a situation. Perhaps, part of the reason for
the confusion in the Corinthian Church was that they were following the human
spirit. Paul does not tell them that they do not have the Spirit of God, nor does He
tell them that the devil is at fault. Rather he says,
I could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as
unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ" (I Cor. 3:1).
He could not talk unto them as unto men, but as unto mere babes. They
were following their human spirit. They were doing what they wanted to do,
instead of allowing the Spirit of God to use them for God's glory and in God's
purpose. Therefore, we need a discerning of spirits to know what kind of spirit--
God's, man's, or evil--is influencing a situation.
As Jesus descended from the Mount of Transfiguration, a man brought his
son to Jesus for deliverance from a spirit which would cast him into the fire, then
cast him into the water. Jesus healed the boy by casting a deaf and dumb spirit
out of the child. Not all convulsions are caused by spirits. Some are caused by
organic or physical problems. However, there are some convulsions that are
caused by spirits. We need the discerning of spirits to know if a spirit is causing
the problem and to know what kind of spirit it is. How many of us would believe
that a deaf and dumb spirit was causing that young man's infirmity? Jesus did,
because He discerned the spirit.
When Jesus met the man at the tombs in the country of the Gadarenes, He
knew that an unclean spirit was tormenting the man. He made that spirit give his
name, which was Legion, for there were many spirits in the man. After all of the
spirits were cast out of the man, they entered a herd of swine, causing them to
run into the sea and drown. Through discerning of spirits, a Christian may know
the number and names of the evil spirits that are tormenting an individual.
GET BEHIND ME SATAN (Mark 8:27-33)
When Jesus began to speak of His rejection and death, Peter began to
rebuke Him. Jesus said to Peter, "Get thee behind me, Satan...for thou savourest
not the things that be of God, but those that be of men." Peter was disturbed
because Jesus was talking about going to Jerusalem to die. However, Jesus
discerned that Peter was being influenced by the wrong spirit, and He rebuked him
for it.
The challenging part of this incident is that Peter had just received his
greatest revelation of Jesus saying, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living
God." Yet, within a few minutes, he was rebuked by Jesus and told, "Get behind
me Satan." We need to be able to discern the spirits so we know which things are
of God. God may give you a great vision, but if you are not sensitive to the Spirit
of God, the devil may influence the way in which you carry out that vision and
hinder the work of God. If you start in the Spirit, you cannot be made perfect by
the flesh. If you begin a work in the Spirit, you have to complete it in the Spirit.
These, then, are the gifts of knowledge: a word of wisdom, by which you
speak a solution to a problem, give an answer to a perplexing question, or give an
insight into a situation; a word of knowledge by which you are able to have a
knowledge of things, either past or present or future; and the discerning of spirits,
the ability to know whether the Spirit of God, or Satan, or the human spirit is the
motivating power.
