We now turn our attention to the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the enablings of
the Spirit. Jesus said,
It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not
away, the Comforter will not come unto you (John 16:7).
And again, He said,
The works that I do shall he do also; and greater
works than these shall he do; because I go unto My
Father (John 14:12).
Jesus went to His Father to send us another comforter, that we might be
able to do the works that He did, and even greater works than He did. We can
interpret this either qualitatively or quantitatively. It is through the operation of the
Holy Spirit within us that we are enabled to do His works. And they are called the
gifts, the manifestations, or the appearings of the Spirit.
But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every
man to profit withal. For to one is given by the Spirit
the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowl-
edge by the same Spirit; To another faith by the
same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the
same Spirit; To another the working of miracles; to
another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to
another divers kinds of tongues; to another the inter-
pretation of tongues: But all these worketh that one
and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man sever-
ally as he will (I Cor. 12:7-11).
The manifestations, or the appearings, of the Spirit are given to every man
to profit withal. The bestowal of the gifts of the Spirit depend upon the goodness
of the giver. However, the expression of the fruit of the Spirit depends upon the
goodness of the individual. If you are an individual living in relationship with the
Lord Jesus Christ, His nature, His character is produced in you and expressed
through you by the Holy Spirit. But the gifts of the Spirit are not based upon one's
spirituality. They are premised upon the goodness of God.
On the first day of January, 1941, I went to a little church and began to
pray; on the eighteenth of March, I was baptized in the Holy Spirit; and on the
third of April, I preached my first revival sermon. I received a ministry gift. How
spiritual was I? Who knows? However, God did not give me a gift because I was
spiritual; God gave me a gift because He was a good God. How mature was I?
How spiritual? I don't know. But God gave me a gift. So a gift depends on the
goodness of the giver. But whatever fruit, whatever Christlikeness I express in my
life is the result of over 50 years of living in union with Christ.
Sometimes we think that when the Holy Spirit manifests a spiritual gift, it
must be a extraordinary experience. However, it dawned on me one day that gifts
of the Spirit were being manifest through me. The Spirit whispered, "A word of
wisdom or a word of knowledge often manifests itself through you, and you are
not conscious of my presence." So, even though we may think that the Spirit
does not manifest any spiritual gifts in our lives, we can be sure that the Spirit of
God has manifested a word of wisdom, a word of knowledge, faith, a gift of
healing, a miracle for someone, and we were not aware of it. These gifts do not
have to come through some supernatural phenomenon; they are part of the
everyday experience of the Spirit-filled child of God. The Holy Spirit manifests
them. The Spirit does it.
People define the gifts of the Spirit in various ways. Some list all of the
ministry gifts and the spiritual gifts as gifts of the Spirit. Others classify them into
various functional categories. Also, there has been a discussion about whether
the gifts are in the church, in the Spirit, or in the individual. The answer is "Yes."
The gifts are the property of the Spirit, they are manifest in the church, and they
are manifest through the individual. But they are different from the ministry gifts
of Christ. The ministry gifts that are given by the Lord Jesus Christ are offices set
in the church. The manifestations of the Spirit are not offices set in the church.
The Spirit may manifest one of His gifts through anyone at any time. They are
manifest according to His sovereign will for a specific purpose at a specific time.
However, Jesus sets certain people as teachers in certain churches. He calls
certain people to be pastors of certain churches. If I went to your church, took
your pastor by the hand and told him that I was going to be pastor of the church
that morning, especially until after the offering was taken, what he would say? He
would probably say, "I think not. I am set in this church as pastor." However, if I
went to your church and told the pastor that the Lord had given me a spiritual gift
for the church, he might allow me to minister the gift to the congregation. The
manifestations of the Spirit appear and disappear, but the ministry gifts of Christ
are settled in the church.
I have classified the gifts into three categories: The gifts of knowledge, the
gifts of power, and the gifts of utterance.
